Technology has to be taken seriously. Each text is based on specific terminology and a technical glossary, either provided by you or developed by us in consultation with you.
→ engineering texts
→ instruction manuals
→ descriptions
→ technical data sheets
→ standards
→ requirements specifications
→ cost estimates
→ user guides
→ package inserts
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Switzerland’s leading architecture and general planning office entrusts textocreativ with translations from German into French and English. And there’s a good reason for this: the specialists at textocreativ have a perfect command of architectural jargon.

Migros Culture Percentage
The Migros Culture Percentage has been supporting cultural and social initiatives since 1957. Translating texts in the style and spirit of the institution requires an excellent general education – a prerequisite for working at textocreativ.

Bern University of Applied Sciences
Tuition, continuing education, research and development, services: BFH has many different core competences – just like the translators in our extended network.